You are ON YOUR WAY!

Your new life is waiting and I am THRILLED for you.
what I learned when I quit alcohol
This is a significant moment.

This is the day you will look back on as THE turning point.

The day the cycle of frustration ended.

Your next steps are below:
The 'Rules'
✅ Trust the process.
✅ Do the work - make LOTS of notes
✅ Don't overthink it.
✅ Don't wait - get started quickly - then take your time and enjoy it
✅ Fully Engage - lip service bypasses the subconscious mind
✅ Book the calls and participate. This is the one thing NOBODY can do for you.
REMEMBER - The Magic You Are Looking For Is Hidden In the Work You Have Been Avoiding.
Look for what is new and challenging. This is what creates the change you wish.
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See you in there!

Andy ❤️
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See you in there!

Andy ❤️
Author of Sober In Seven and wellness and sobriety coach in the UK, here to use my own experience of overcoming alcohol addiction to support you on your journey to a better healthier life.

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