How to stop drinking

Want to get your drinking under control? You are in the right place.
In 2016, I was drinking up to a litre of spirits a day. I felt broken, alone and unfixable. I'd spoken to my doctor, tried alcoholics anonymous, hypnotherapy and counselling but nothing worked. Then one day, inspiration about how to change my life came from the most unlikely of sources. Now, I use it to help others change theirs.
Discover Andy's story

How long does it take to get sober?

What happened to me

Why AA doesn't work. (Also why it does)

Survive vs thrive

The #1 mistake we make when trying to quit alcohol.

Should I cut down, or give up altogether?

How to stop drinking and still have fun!

More useful posts...

Success Or Failure - Which Will It Be?

6 Health Benefits of Not Drinking Alcohol for a Year

Will A Sober Life Be A Much Better Adventure? Decide For Yourself.

How Long Does it Take to Detox From Alcohol?

9 Things to Do If You Can't Sleep Without Alcohol

Tips to stop drinking out of boredom

Tips for Quitting Alcohol for Good

The benefits of not drinking alcohol

Why is Drinking Alone Bad?

10 reasons people struggle to control their drinking

Survive vs Thrive

How Long Does it Take to Get Sober?

How to drink less and transform your life

Why AA Doesn't Work (Also Why it Does)

How to drink less - Key things you need to know

Should I cut down, or give up altogether?

How to Have Fun Without Alcohol

Want to drink less? 5 myths you need to know...

How to drink less this festive season.

The #1 mistake we make when trying to quit alcohol.

How to help someone you love with a drink problem.

What do people say?

  • “I am doing great. I still have not touched a drop of alcohol since starting this programme and I feel amazing. I am now the designated driver and I actually enjoy it. I still go to the pub or out for a meal but I choose to drink other things.”
    Harriet, Canada
  • “I haven't had a drink since finishing the freedom program and I feel fantastic thanks to you and your wonderful program. I've been reading all your emails and go over my notes regularly and I can count on one hand the amount of times I have felt like a drink and amazingly it has passed very quickly.”
    Jane, UK
  • “Thank you so much Andy and I am really grateful that I stumbled across your website as it had truly changed my life for the better.”
    Andrew, UK
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In The Media

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Author of Sober In Seven and wellness and sobriety coach in the UK, here to use my own experience of overcoming alcohol addiction to support you on your journey to a better healthier life.

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